Russia. Weapons of victory. Artillery cannons and howitzers. Booklet with 4 souvenir sheets of 1 stamp [RU14/142-145 BK]
15.90 €

Russia. Weapons of victory. Artillery cannons and howitzers. Set of 4 souvenir sheets of 1 stamp [RU14/142-145]
15.90 €

Russia. The 100th anniversary birth of the theoretical physicist Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich. Sheetlet 15 st [RU14/58 S]
18.00 €

Russia. The 100th anniversary birth of the theoretical physicist Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich. Stamp [RU14/58]
1.20 €

Russia. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation. Architecture. Clock Tower. Set 2 st [RU14/59-60]
3.60 €

Russia. Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation. Architecture. Clock Tower. Small sheet 8 st [RU14/59-60 S]
13.90 €

Switzerland 2014 Joint issue of the Russian Federation and the Switzerland Architecture Clock Towers Station Set of 2 stamps mint [CH14/Rus]
4.85 €