Finland and Russia. 2020. Peterspost. Qualifiers for the European foolball championship 2020 (St.Petersburg, Russia), jiont issue FDC with both stamps and cancellations [RU20/Futis]
4.95 €

Russia Finland 2020 Europa Old post routes in Europe Zemstvo Peterspost joint issue FDC [RU20/E FDC]
14.95 €

Finland 2020 Peterspost Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death The Lord's Supper MILANOFIL-2020 block FDC [FI20/Milan]
9.45 €

Finland 2020 Peterspost Quarantined Italy COVID-2019 Leonardo da Vinci 500 years from the date of death The Lord's Supper MILANOFIL-2020 exhibition muved block with overprint FDC [FI20/Milan]
9.45 €

Finland 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Peterspost complete of stamp set and 2 block's on 3 FDC's [RU20/Tram]
48.75 €

Finland Finnland Finlande 2020 Lost tram lines of Baltic towns Klaipeda Memel Lighthouse 1904-34 Peterspost FDC [RU20/Tram Fi]
6.95 €