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Austria Österreich L'Autriche 2023 Legendary Beethoven Frieze by Klimt set of 8 stamps in block in booklet MNH [AVS23/art]
24.80 €

Russia 2023 Vasily Surikov artist 175 years Morning of the Streltsy execution block imperforated in booklet mint [RU23/Surik]
47.50 €

Russia 2023 Vasily Surikov artist 175 years Morning of the Streltsy execution block imperforated mint [RU23/Surik]
47.50 €

Russia 2023 Vasily Surikov artist 175 years Morning of the Streltsy execution block perforated MNH [RU23/Surik]
3.95 €

Russia 2023 Vasily Surikov artist 175 years Morning of the Streltsy execution booklet with vignette and FDC mint [RU23/Surik]
37.65 €

Russia 2023 Vasily Surikov artist 175 years Morning of the Streltsy execution FDC [RU23/Surik]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Ukraine 2023 Children's Day children's drawings for peace limited edition special booklet with block FDC and postcards [UA23/Chirdren]
62.50 €

Ukraine 2023 Children's Day children's drawings for peace set of 5 stamps in block MNH [UA23/Chirdren]
4.85 €

Russia Russland Russie 2023 Vasnetcov painter 175 ann limited edition imperforated block in special booklet MNH [RU23/Vasnetcov]
43.50 €

Russia Russland Russie 2023 Vasnetcov painter 175 ann limited edition imperforated block mint [RU23/Vasnetcov]
43.50 €

SMOM Order of Malta 2023 Icon of Our Lady of Philermos Roma Italy Protector of Order block MNH [SMOM23/Icon]
4.75 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 From the treasury of the Estonian Art Museum Konrad Mägi 2 stamps and label mint [EE23/Art]
7.75 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 From the treasury of the Estonian Art Museum Konrad Mägi FDC [EE23/Art]
3.45 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 From the treasury of the Estonian Art Museum Konrad Mägi sheetlet mint [EE23/Art]
15.60 €

Estonia Estland Estonie 2023 From the treasury of the Estonian Art Museum Konrad Mägi stamp mint [EE23/Art]
1.95 €

Russia 2023 Art Architects Artists Sculptors Works of the classics of the Stroganov school Sheetlet MNH [RU23/Stroganov]
14.80 €
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