Finland Finnland Finlande 2014 Greeting stamps Butterly Cat Flowers set of 5 stamps with labels in booklet MNH [FI14/greeting]
16.75 €

Russia Russie Russland 2014 Rare fauna Wild cats set of 4 stamps in block 2x2 MNH [RU14/82-85 zn]
3.80 €

Russia. Fauna of Russia. Wild cats. Fragment of a sheetlet of 2 strips, 3 stamps in each [RU14/121-123 hs]
4.40 €

Russia. Fauna of Russia. Wild cats. Set of 3 FD postcards "Moscow 101000" [RU14/121-123 PC FD M]
7.70 €

Kyrgyzstan 2014 Rare fauna Mammals and birds from Red Book KEP Set of 4 stamps in block MNH [KR14/fauna]
5.65 €