Belgium 2011 Definitives The birds Duck pinteyl (Dafila acuta) Stamp mint [BL11/Dafila acuta]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Belgium Belgique Belgien 2011 Definitives Birds Osprey Pandion haliaetus High Face Value Stamp MNH [BL11/Pandion haliaetus]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Finland Finlande Finnland 2011 Spring birds Posti set of 5 stamps in booklet MNH [FI11/Birds]
17.90 €

Belorussia 2011 The International Polar Year IPY joint issue Penguins polar bear block mint [BY11/3-4 BS]
9.50 €

Belorussia 2011 The International Polar Year IPY joint issue Penguins polar bear set of 2 stamps mint [BY11/3-4]
2.90 €

Belorussia 2011 The International Polar Year IPY joint issue Penguins polar bear strip of 2 stamps mint [BY11/3-4 zn]
3.95 €

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 2011 Pets Set of 6 stamps [SJS11/lemmiki]
This item is temporarily out of stock

Kyrgyzstan 2011 Nature Reserves of Kyrgyzstan Fauna and landscapes set of 9 stamps in block MNH [KR11/zoo S]
13.40 €

Kyrgyzstan. Fauna. Reserves of Kyrgyzstan. Bl 9 imperforated stamps (only 500 bl) [KR11/zoo SB]
64.90 €

Belorussia Belarus Weissrussland 2011 Bird of the Year Curlew sheetlet of 7 stamps and label [BY11/5 S]
10.15 €